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Puzzle Pieces: Psychology News

'Puzzle Pieces' is my psychology news page containing fascinating snippets of information I've stumbled across along with inspiring quotes and helpful tips and strategies related to help you in putting the puzzle of life together.

When I'm not working as a counsellor I love to read and learn (I do apologise in advance, it will soon become obvious that I am a reader, not so much a writer!), I spend a lot of my spare time combing over the latest research in relation to all things psychology including:

  • relationships,
  • anxiety,
  • depression,
  • dementia,
  • neuroscience and much more.

I will pass on any new discoveries here. All you need to do is click on the article title, which is usually highlighted in maroon, to be taken to the full text. I would love to hear from you if you have any comments or questions (or alternatively call me on 0404 248 576). Please feel free to share these tiny tidbits if you have found any of these pieces helpful or you believe that somebody else would benefit from the information. 

  • Your Mind as Your 'Bad' Friend
    Ever had a friend who was bad for you? You know, that one person who doesn't seem to have your best interest at heart? It turns out that your mind can be like your 'bad' friend, and what's even worse: your brain prefers to believe your mind rather than reality!
    Posted: Saturday 2 July 2016
  • Sex, monogamy, love.
    Here Sue Johnson, one of my favourite relationship experts, answers some of our big relationship questions: what is love? Are human beings monogamous? How does an affair happen? What can I do to heal my relationship? Is sex important? Worth watching
    Posted: Saturday 22 November 2014
  • Sleep Like a Baby
    Finally! Part 3 of my article on Sleep and Stress provides you with a tonne of strategies to give you the best chance at improving your sleep. Hope these changes help you to sleep like a babe, sweet dreams x
    Posted: Monday 17 November 2014
  • 3am Waking Explained
    Ever find yourself waking at 3am, unable to get back to sleep? This phenomenon is related to your body's stress response. Read my simple explanation to find out why you might be experiencing early morning waking in Part 2 of my article on stress and sleep at The Mindset Effect.
    Posted: Monday 17 November 2014
  • Stop stressing, start sleeping!
    Feeling stressed? Anxious? Depressed? Gaining weight? Experiencing illness? Pain? Sleep disturbance underlies most of these problems and many more, and yet it's still not investigated properly. Learn more about the sleep process in part 1 of this 3 part series here.
    Posted: Sunday 16 November 2014
  • Breathe to beat stress
    I'm sure you are aware that your breathing changes dramatically when you experience stress and anxiety. Did you also know that there is an effective strategy you can use to stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system and induce relaxation and repair? Read my post at the Mindset Effect.
    Posted: Saturday 15 November 2014
  • Explosive anger, no energy, depressed, anxious? It's possibly stress.
    Every week I meet someone whose life has caved in around them: they have lost jobs, homes, and saddest of all families, due to the toxic effects of ongoing stress. That's why I was excited to learn that for the month of November Mindset Effect will focus on stress. Follow the link to learn more.
    Posted: Saturday 1 November 2014
  • A four letter word that will help you to manage stormy emotions.
    Ever find yourself gripped by rage, blinded by jealousy, or deeply, deeply sad? Mindfulness is not just about managing your thoughts, it can also help with emotions and physical pain. Learn about a really neat 4 letter acronym I have stumbled across here.
    Posted: Tuesday 14 October 2014
  • Don't let cortisol poisoning get you!
    Stress is a word that we toss around quite casually today. And yet the physical consequences of stress are very real and very destructive for your entire body. What is cortisol poisoning and how can you reduce the toxic impact of this deadly hormone?
    Posted: Friday 10 October 2014
  • Mental health week is so wrong!
    I object to mental health week! Mental health, or wellbeing, needs to be something that we think about on a daily basis, not for one week of the year! And being mentally healthy encompasses so much more than just the mind. Read more to discover four helpful tips for nurturing wellbeing.
    Posted: Tuesday 7 October 2014
  • Unhook yourself from self-doubt, shame, and guilt.
    I am definitely not a morning person. Most mornings I listen to a talk as I slowly ease my way into the world. This morning I heard probably the most powerful talk I have heard in a long time, follow the link below, I hope it inspires you too!
    Posted: Friday 3 October 2014
  • Is Jealousy Tearing Your Relationship Apart? Seven tips for taming the green-eyed monster.
    Breaking news today is that jealousy may actually double your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease!
    Aside from the potential risk of dementia, the emotions, thoughts and behaviour that accompany jealousy can wreak havoc on your relationships. Learn 7 strategies to manage this potentially destructive emotion.
    Posted: Wednesday 1 October 2014
  • Does Talent Come From Your Genes or From Hard Work?
    It turns out that the answer to this question is not all that important. Instead, what you believe the answer to be has a very real impact on your brain's ability to function effectively. More evidence that your mindset determines your ability to succeed. Click the link below for more information.
    Posted: Saturday 13 September 2014
  • You Are What You Eat!
    For some time now I have suspected that what you eat is more than likely having a massive impact on your mental health. I have recently discovered an Australian neurologist and nutritionist who specialises in exactly that subject. Learn how to improve your emotional wellbeing by understanding GAPS. Click the link below for more information.
    Posted: Saturday 13 September 2014
  • Need New Friends? 5 Tips to Grow Your Social Network
    Friendships are so important for your wellbeing, and yet in todays fast-paced, technologically driven world, many of us neglect social contact that is independent of work and family. Read on to discover 5 tips for reconnecting with people in your community who have interests similar to your own.
    Posted: Friday 12 September 2014

Call or text us today to talk to a psychologist on 0404 248 576 or send through an email to book your confidential appointment with one of our team members:  Southport or Palm Beach, Gold Coast.